
Sample Words


In this article, we will explore and familiarize ourselves with various sample words in the English language. Sample words are often used to demonstrate or provide examples of specific concepts, structures, or vocabulary. They play an essential role in language learning and can help enhance understanding and retention.

I. Nouns

1. Example

- Definition: a particular instance used to illustrate or prove a point

- Synonyms: instance, representation, specimen

- Example usage: "Let me give you an example of what I mean."

2. Prototype

- Definition: an original or model on which something is based or formed

- Synonyms: model, original, blueprint

- Example usage: "The prototype for the new car design was successful."

II. Adjectives

1. Typical

- Definition: having the distinctive qualities or characteristics of a particular type or group

- Synonyms: characteristic, representative, standard

- Example usage: "This behavior is typical of young children."

2. Exemplary

- Definition: worthy of imitation; commendable

- Synonyms: commendable, praiseworthy, admirable

- Example usage: "Her exemplary behavior earned her recognition."

III. Verbs

1. Demonstrate

- Definition: to show or prove something clearly

- Synonyms: show, illustrate, exhibit

- Example usage: "Please demonstrate how to use this new software."

2. Illustrate

- Definition: to provide examples or clarify using visuals or explanations

- Synonyms: portray, depict, exemplify

- Example usage: "The professor used diagrams to illustrate the concept."


Sample words serve as valuable tools for learners to grasp and internalize various aspects of the English language. These words exemplify different parts of speech and can be utilized in a wide range of contexts. By incorporating sample words into our vocabulary, we enhance our ability to communicate effectively and express ideas clearly. So, let us continue to explore and integrate sample words into our language learning journey.